
Karachi, Pakistan


spotter #54 radiology CNS
By Dr subhan | | 0 Comments |
What is this? T1 post contrast Suprasellar mass Heterogenous Marked
spotter #40 radiology
By Dr Subhan | | 1 Comments |
Central pontine myelinosis CC RSNA and radiographics
spotter #11 radiology
By Dr Subhan | | 1 Comments |
spotter #10 radiology
By Dr Subhan | | 0 Comments |
trilateral retinoblastoma
spotter #08 radiology
By Dr Subhan | | 0 Comments |
ependymoma vs astrocytoma
spotter #08 radiology
By Dr Subhan | | 0 Comments |
ependymoma vs astrocytoma
spotter #07 radiology
By Dr Subhan | | 0 Comments |
open-lip the cleft walls are separated and filled with CSF
Pilocystic astrocytoma
By Dr Subhan | | 1 Comments |
Spinal cord extra axial lesion Expansion of cord Hyperintense on
Hemorrhage of arachnoid cyst
By Dr Subhan | | 1 Comments |
Traumatic intracystic hemorrhage of arachnoid cyst Case courtesy radiopedia