Karachi, Pakistan

spotter # 155 MSK radiology
By Dr subhan | | 0 Comments |
Possible diagnosis of these patients is? A osteosarcoma B ewing
spotter # 153 MSK, orthopedics
By Dr subhan | | 1 Comments |
Possible diagnosis of this patient is? A osteosarcoma B GCT
spotter # 152 onco imaging
By Dr subhan | | 1 Comments |
Dx of this patient is? A admantinoma B ABC C
spotter 151 GU/GI imaging
By Dr Subhan | | 1 Comments |
Possible diagnosis of these patients is? Ca rectum Ca prostate
spotter # 150 female imaging
By subhan | | 0 Comments |
Possible diagnosis of this 40 year old lady is? A
Spotter 149 body imaging
By Dr subhan | | 0 Comments |
Dx of these 2 year old patient is? A wilms
spotter # 148 chest radiology
By Dr subhan | | 1 Comments |
Possible diagnosis of these patients is? TB Ca lung ABPA
Spotter 147 female imaging
By Dr Subhan | | 3 Comments |
Birads classification of these breast lesion is? 0 1 2
spotter # 146 cns radiology
By Dr subhan | | 1 Comments |
Possible diagnosis of these patients with common symptom of seizure
Spotter 145 trauma
By Dr subhan | | 1 Comments |
AAST grade of renal injury, this patient is A 1
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