
Karachi, Pakistan


spotter # 122 trauma
By Dr Subhan | | 3 Comments |
Single diagnosis in above mentioned patients is? A Inferior glenoid
04 test general radiology
By Dr subhan | | 1 Comments |
spotter # 117 paeds oncology
By Dr subhan | | 3 Comments |
Single unanimous diagnosis of above paediatric patients is? A wilms
spotter # 113 GIT imaging
By Dr subhan | | 3 Comments |
What is emergency in these patients? A ca colon B
spotter # 106 radiology
By Dr subhan | | 4 Comments |
What is the dx in above mentiond patients with raise
spotter # 105 radiology chest
By Dr subhan | | 5 Comments |
A single unanimous dx in above mentioned case with a
spotter # 101 radiology
By Dr subhan | | 3 Comments |
Please pick up the correct procedure name? A TACE B