
Karachi, Pakistan


spotter # 215 neuro spinal imaging
By Dr Subhan | | 0 Comments |
Bilateral basal ganglia hyperintense signals, diffusion restriction in splenium of
spotter # 214 neuro
By subhan | | 1 Comments |
These are proven cases of pituitary apoplexy the preferred method
spotter # 213 body imaging
By Dr Subhan | | 1 Comments |
These are classical cases of? Hepatic abscess Hepatoma Hepatic hydatid
spotter # 212
By Dr Subhan | | 1 Comments |
Bone with in bone appearance Erlenmeyer flask defomity, increase bony
spotter # 211 head and neck imaging
By Dr Subhan | | 1 Comments |
In 5 to 10 year old boy the likely diagnosis
spotter # 210 women imaging
By Dr Subhan | | 1 Comments |
In females of 20- 30 years with fever likely diagnosis
spotter # 209 Neuroradiology
By Dr Subhan | | 1 Comments |
This is in 6-8 year old boys is? Astrocytoma Pilocystic
spotter # 208 male imaging
By Dr Subhan | | 1 Comments |
This is in 2 year old boys likely be? Testicular
spotter # 207 spinal imaging
By Dr Subhan | | 1 Comments |
In 5 to 10 year old patient, the probable diagnosis
spotter # 206 Neuroradiology
By Dr Subhan | | 1 Comments |
This is classical case of? Astrocytoma Optic glioma GBM Meningitis
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