
Karachi, Pakistan


June 26, 2023
spotter #63 radiology MSK
By Dr subhan | | 0 Comments |
Q. Cause of increased bone density in these paeds patients
spotter #62 radiology MSK
By Dr Subhan | | 0 Comments |
Q. Bone pain in african man? Ans. Bone infarct
spotter #61 radiology GIT
By Dr Subhan | | 1 Comments |
Q. abdominal pain cause? Ans. Gastrointestinal stromal tumor GIST
spotter #60 radiology small bowel
By Dr subhan | | 0 Comments |
Q. Complain of abdominal pain in all of these patients
spotter #59 radiology CNS
By Dr Subhan | | 0 Comments |
Q. What is this in patients with seizure disorder with
spotter #58 radiology CNS
By Dr Subhan | | 0 Comments |
Q. What is this in patients of southeast Asia post
spotter #57 radiology CNS
By Dr Subhan | | 0 Comments |
Q. What is this in different patients with night sweats
spotter #56 radiology CNS
By Dr Subhan | | 0 Comments |
Q. What is this in MR brain of different patients
spotter #55 radiology CNS
By Dr Subhan | | 0 Comments |
What is this in brain MR ? In different patients