
Karachi, Pakistan


spotter # 166 female imaging
By Dr subhan | | 0 Comments |
Final diagnosis of this Kansas 50 year old lady is?
spotter # 165 paeds imaging
By Dr Subhan | | 0 Comments |
Final dx of this 5 year old paeds of Kansas
Spotter 164 female imaging
By Dr Subhan | | 0 Comments |
Diagnosis of this patient is A ca breast B breast
Spotter 163 pulmonary radiology
By Dr subhan | | 1 Comments |
Final diagnosis of these HIV positive patients with asthma is?
spotter # 162 neuro-radiology
By Dr Subhan | | 1 Comments |
Diagnosis of these patients with common symptoms of fever is?
spotter 161 paeds uroradiology
By dr subhan | | 1 Comments |
please help a Michigan dedicated uroradiologist by giving the answer
spotter # 160 paeds radiology
By Dr subhan | | 0 Comments |
Diagnosis of this patient is? A sarcoma B myxoma C
spotter 159 MSK imaging
By dr subhan | | 0 Comments |
diagnosis of these patients include? a abc b gct c
spotter # 158 body imaging
By Dr subhan | | 0 Comments |
What are the possible diagnoses for these patients: A Crohn's
spotter # 157 chest imaging
By Dr Subhan | | 0 Comments |
What is the diagnosis for these patients? A. Lung abscess
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